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Blepping In Cats

January 15, 2023

Have you ever spotted your cat just sitting there with her tongue sticking out? This is officially called blepping, and is definitely adorable to see. Of course, given how complex and unique our feline pals are, you may be wondering if this is a sign that something is wrong, or just another one of Fluffy’s many adorable (and purrplexing) quirks. A local vet discusses blepping in this article.

Behind The Blep

There are actually a few possible reasons your furry buddy may be blepping. One possible option would be that Fluffy is investigating a taste or scent in the air. She also may have stuck her tongue out if she was startled—perhaps during one of her daily grooming sessions—and then got distracted and forgot about it. Speaking of grooming, if you have an older cat, you might find our article on A Waterdown, ON Vet Answers Top FAQs About How To Groom A Senior Cat helpful. Kitties that are missing teeth are also more likely to blep: that gap just makes it easy. Cats may also blep when they are feeling relaxed or happy. Of course, we can’t entirely discount the possibility that Fluffy actually is sticking her tongue out at you. That does seem like something cats would do!

Concerning Bleps

Most of the time, bleps are silly and harmless … not to mention highly comical. However, there are a few potential points of concern to be aware of.  If your feline friend seems to be blepping a lot, there’s a chance that she could be blepping because of pain in her mouth. This is something to be aware of if your cat has only recently become a blepper, or if she is blepping much more often than she used to. If you suspect dental issues might be causing the blepping, consider scheduling an appointment for our Veterinary Dentistry services. Your kitty could also be nauseous, or having trouble breathing. Keep an eye out for other signs of illness, such as bad breath, vomiting, withdrawal, drooling, swelling, or changes in behavior. Contact your vet ASAP if you notice anything amiss.

What To Do

So what should you do if your feline buddy bleps? Well, assuming that Fluffy has gotten the all-clear from her vet, there’s only one thing to do: take her picture! We never get tired of seeing cute photos of our furry friends. Plus, this is a cute way to spread some cheer, and maybe put a smile on someone’s face. If there’s one thing that cats are good at—aside from napping—that would be it.

Our Advice on Blepping In Cats in 2024

Are there any specific breeds of cats that are more prone to blepping than others?

The article does not specify any cat breeds that are more prone to blepping than others. It suggests that blepping can occur for various reasons, such as a response to tasting or smelling something interesting, missing teeth, relaxation, or even as a quirky behavior unique to an individual cat. While some cats may exhibit this behavior more frequently, especially those with dental issues, it doesn’t appear to be linked to specific breeds. All cats, regardless of breed, can potentially exhibit blepping under the right circumstances.

Can blepping be a sign of neurological issues in cats?

The article does not directly link blepping to neurological issues in cats. It mentions several benign reasons why cats might blep, such as curiosity about a taste, a moment of distraction, or relaxation. However, it does raise concerns that excessive or sudden onset of blepping could indicate potential health issues, including pain or discomfort in the mouth. While not specified, neurological problems could theoretically manifest in altered behaviors, including blepping. If a cat shows other signs of distress alongside blepping, consulting a veterinarian is recommended.

Is there a connection between a cat’s age and the frequency of blepping?

The article suggests that older cats, especially those missing teeth, might be more prone to blepping because the gaps make it easier for their tongues to slip out. This indicates that there could be a connection between a cat’s age and the frequency of blepping, particularly as dental issues are more common in older cats. However, the article does not explicitly state that age alone directly influences the frequency of blepping, implying that it’s more about the physical and health changes that accompany aging rather than age itself.

Can blepping be a learned behavior in cats?

The article does not directly address whether blepping can be a learned behavior in cats. However, it suggests that blepping can occur for various spontaneous reasons, such as being distracted during grooming or feeling relaxed and happy. Since the behavior is linked more to individual quirks or physiological factors like missing teeth, it is less likely to be a learned behavior and more a natural occurrence based on specific circumstances or physical conditions. Therefore, blepping is typically not considered a behavior that cats consciously learn from each other.

Can blepping be a sign of dehydration in cats?

The article does not link blepping directly to dehydration in cats. It mentions several reasons why a cat might blep, such as reacting to a taste, feeling relaxed, or having dental gaps. Dehydration in cats typically presents through other symptoms like dry mouth, sunken eyes, lethargy, and reduced skin elasticity. While blepping isn’t commonly recognized as a sign of dehydration, any unusual or persistent behavior, including excessive blepping, should prompt an evaluation by a veterinarian to rule out underlying health issues, including dehydration.

Do you have any questions about your kitty’s health or care? Contact us, your local animal clinic in Waterdown, ON anytime! We’re here to help!

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