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Cat Food Storage Mistakes

December 1, 2021

Your kitty appreciates fresh food just as much as you do. For survival’s sake, humans learned how to store our food, which is something today’s “bulk buyers” have mastered. So it only makes sense to take care in managing Fluffy’s food supply in the same way. How you handle and store cat food affects not only its freshness but also its nutritional value, not to mention your kitty’s overall health. While we’re discussing pet food, if you’re also a dog owner or just curious about canine nutrition, you might be interested in our article on how to Learn About Grain-Free Dog Food. Now, let’s focus on some common mistakes to avoid when storing cat food to keep your feline friend healthy and well-fed.

Don’t Store Dry Cat Food on the Shelf

Dry cat food may seem like it would be non-perishable, but it will get stale if left on the shelf for weeks on end. Instead, you can keep Fluffy’s morsels fresh for a long time by storing them in the freezer. In fact, dry cat food will stay fresh for up to 26 weeks, which bodes well for those of you who like to buy in bulk. Just make sure you seal it up tight so moisture doesn’t get inside. And too, always make sure to thaw it down to room temperature before feeding it to kitty.

Don’t Get Rid of the Original Packaging

As convenient and tempting as it is to store dry cat food in an airtight, resealable container, that’s not the best way to keep your kitty’s food fresh. Interestingly, the bags that high-quality cat food comes in help to keep and maintain freshness for as long as possible. So be sure to keep the food in the bag and place the bag in the container if you do decide to use resealable containers.

Something else about the original packaging – it has the food’s expiration date, barcode, and batch code on it. These are all important to have in the event of a cat food recall.

Don’t Store Cat Food in High Temperature or High Humidity Environments

All types of food-cat food included- should never be kept in hot temperatures or high humidity environments. Heat and humidity naturally breed bacteria, so always store Fluffy’s food in a cool, dry place.

Don’t Expose Kitty’s Food to Air

If you leave Fluffy’s food exposed to air it will increase the rate at which it spoils. Whenever food is exposed to oxygen and light, it starts to break down. Any existing vitamin or mineral value will expire and oil-based or fatty ingredients will become rancid. These conditions promote bacterial growth.

If you have any more questions about how to keep kitty’s food fresh, don’t hesitate to call us! Our Vet Nutrition & Weight Management can provide personalized advice on the best food choices for your cat and how to store them properly to maintain their nutritional value. We can also help you develop a comprehensive nutrition plan tailored to your cat’s specific needs. And don’t forget to have a Happy Holiday!

Our Advice on Cat Food Storage Mistakes in 2024

How does the storage method affect the nutritional content of wet cat food compared to dry food?

Wet cat food storage is critical as it affects nutritional content more acutely than dry food. Once opened, wet food must be refrigerated and used within a few days to prevent spoilage and bacterial growth, which can degrade nutrients quickly. In contrast, dry cat food has lower moisture content, making it less susceptible to bacterial growth, and can maintain its nutritional integrity longer when stored properly in a cool, dry place. Both types require airtight containers to preserve freshness and prevent oxidation of fats and vitamins.

Are there any specific materials that are best for storing cat food, such as glass vs. plastic containers?

For storing cat food, glass containers are generally superior to plastic. Glass offers a non-porous surface that does not absorb odors or residual fats, which can help maintain the food’s freshness and prevent the development of off-flavors. Additionally, glass containers are easier to clean thoroughly and can be sterilized, minimizing the risk of bacterial growth. If using plastic containers, it’s important to choose high-quality, food-grade plastics that are BPA-free to avoid chemicals leaching into the food. Always ensure containers are airtight to preserve freshness and nutritional quality.

How often should cat food storage containers be cleaned, and what’s the best method for cleaning them?

Cat food storage containers should be cleaned at least once a week to ensure they remain free of bacteria and residue that could contaminate the food and affect its taste and safety. The best method for cleaning these containers involves washing them with hot, soapy water, thoroughly rinsing to remove any soap residue, and drying them completely before reuse. For glass containers, you can also use a dishwasher for a more sterilized cleaning. Regular cleaning helps maintain the nutritional quality of the food and prevents health issues in cats.

What are the signs that stored cat food has gone bad or lost its nutritional value?

Signs that stored cat food has gone bad or lost nutritional value include an off or rancid odor, discoloration, and visible mold. For dry food, any dampness or clumping also indicates spoilage. Additionally, if the cat food has been exposed to air, heat, or light for prolonged periods, the fats and oils within can turn rancid, leading to decreased quality and potential health risks. Cats may also refuse to eat food that has spoiled or degraded, which can be an early indicator of a problem with the food’s condition.

Are there any health risks associated with feeding cats food that has been improperly stored?

Feeding cats food that has been improperly stored can lead to several health risks. Exposure to air, moisture, or high temperatures can cause cat food to spoil or grow harmful bacteria and fungi. Consuming such food can result in gastrointestinal upset, such as vomiting and diarrhea, or more severe health issues like food poisoning. Rancid fats in spoiled food can also produce harmful free radicals, which may contribute to inflammation and chronic diseases. It’s crucial to store cat food correctly to maintain its safety and nutritional integrity.

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