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Cat World Dominance Day

June 15, 2024

June 24 is a very auspicious—or, perhaps, pawspicious—holiday. Cat World Domination Day! This adorable little event honors these endearing tiny balls of fun and inquiry. Cats, despite their little size, have a way of wrapping us around their little paws. In this post, a local Waterdown, ON vet shares some advice on how to celebrate with Fluffy.

What Happens on Cat World Domination Day?

Cat World Domination Day honors  Fluffy1, her larger-than-life purrsonality, and our long-standing connection with her. Of course, if our furry pals manage to take over the world, it will most likely evolve into something much more official.

To go a little deeper into the holiday’s history, Cat World Domination Day was founded in 2012 by the people owned by the kitties on the sparklecat blog, and was originally conceived as a birthday present. At least, that is the official story. Unofficially, it could be the date Fluffy made the decision to pursue her goals of World Domination.

Do Cats Really Want To Rule the World?

Unfortunately, there is not enough evidence to either confirm or disprove this myth. The previous three people who attempted to explore the topic went missing in mysterious circumstances and have never been seen again.

What If Cats Actually Took Over the World?

We can provide a more informed response on this one, as our feline patients have provided us with valuable information about what to expect.

As far as we can ascertain, Fluffy’s formal requests include the following:

Statues: You may definitely expect to see gigantic feline statues in every town square. All streets and towns would most likely be called after famous kitties. There is one problem with that, though: there aren’t really a whole lot of famous cats. What would probably happen is that every city and town would end up with many different Garfield, Sylvester, and Morris schools, parks, lakes, drives, avenues, roads, parkways, circles, courts, and lanes. Fluffy, of course, would just sleep through the ensuing chaos.

Catnip Gardens: Another potential infrastructure change would be the establishment of catnip gardens. Fluffy also enjoys spider plants and honeysuckle, so they would most likely be included as well.

Bye-bye Mondays: Mondays may be removed from the calendar in memory of Garfield. It would be replaced with a second Tuesday.

Fluffy would undoubtedly like to see stocked ponds and moats in front of every residence. This isn’t as far-fetched as you would imagine. Cats were so popular in ancient China that several communities even had fishponds specifically for them.

Strays’ Food and Water Stations: On a more serious note, the world is home to millions of stray cats. With our feline overlords at the helm, we’d like to see greater support and resources for homeless cats. This is also based on fact. In Turkey, for example, they are essentially treated as communal pets. Many companies keep food and water out for the  kitties, and it isn’t unusual to find a furball snoozing in a shop or cafe. Fluffy is also living a comfortable life in Italy, where similar policies keep the country’s felines safe and fed.

New Building Codes: Do you have a built-in walkway and catio for your cat? Does Fluffy have a bed and a nice window perch in each room, as well as at least one cat tower? Have you set up a cat garden and at least one box castle? If this is the case, you will not need to make any significant modifications. Otherwise, you may feel forced to execute certain renovations.

Is There Any Evidence That Cats Are Attempting To Take Over The World?

We have yet to find any genuine files or factual data on this one. However, there are certain historical indicators to consider.

The biggest clue is probably ancient Egypt. Fluffy convinced the ancient Egyptians to worship her as a deity. There’s even an Egyptian cat goddess, Bastet. In fact, our feline pals were so popular in ancient Egypt that when a family’s beloved kitty died, they shaved their brows in sorrow. The Sphynx is another good example of how esteemed (or possibly feared) Fluffy was in that civilization.

Cats fared pretty well in ancient Siam, too. Man’s Second Best Friend was the preferred pet of many royal and noble families, and she was of course lavishly pampered.

That isn’t the only proof. We may also need to consider the fact that cats have been quietly training for this coup for years. Fluffy has been working on mastering the use of her claws and teeth for a very long time. Indeed, kittens very immediately begin experimenting with scratching and biting techniques. (They normally accomplish this by experimenting on us, but that is another matter.)

Kitties have been practicing more than simply martial arts. They’re also committed to learning computer programming, which they accomplish by sleeping on laptops and walking across keyboards. They’ve been reading, and they also sleep on books. Our feline buddies have also dabbled in a variety of vocations, learning about spycraft, politics, and retail, to mention a few.

Finally, we must not forget the fact that these adorable little furballs are actually charming little serial killers. Every year, these adorable, innocent-looking fur balls kill billions of little creatures. Ask your Waterdown, ON veterinarian for advice on keeping your kitty friend safe.

What Is the Cat Treatise?

The Cat Treatise, also known as the Tamra Meow or The Cat-Book of Poems, is one of the most compelling pieces of evidence supporting cat global dominance. This old samut khoi manuscript is estimated to have been composed between the 14th and 18th centuries by Buddhist monks. The book, as you might expect, is entirely about Fluffy.

How Can We Stop Cat World Domination?

Hope is not lost quite yet. There are a few things we can do to save the planet from becoming overtaken by furballs. Make sure to get your cat fixed. Overpopulation is a major problem that contributes to the world’s high number of homeless cats. Plus, your furry pal will be calmer after, which may take a bite out of her ambitions.

It’s also critical to keep Fluffy satisfied, healthy, and purring. Purchase a new toy or some catnip for your cute pet. You might also wish to pacify her by spending some extra time touching or playing with her.

What else could you do? Keep your cat safe and sound indoors. This will not only frustrate Fluffy’s intentions to take over the globe, but it will also keep her safe from traffic, weather, predators, and parasites, as well as significantly lowering her chances of becoming lost, injured, or worse.

You might also want to give your cute pet a special treat to appease her. Salmon, chicken, or fish are OK as long as the skin, bones, and fat are removed.

Ask your Waterdown, ON veterinarian for more information on how to keep your kitty happy and healthy.

Schedule An Appointment At Your Waterdown, ON Veterinary Clinic

Has it been a while since your feline master has visited? Is Fluffy scheduled for an exam? Contact us at your Waterdown, ON pet hospital, at any time!

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