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Great Ways to Save on Pet Care

November 1, 2018

We would all like to save a bit of money here and there, even when it comes to pet care. Of course, you also want to keep your animal companion healthy and happy! Fortunately, there are several ways to save money while giving your pet the great care they deserve. Learn more below from a Carlisle, ON vet.

Preventative Medicine

Why deal with a problem at all if you can avoid it in the first place? That’s what preventative healthcare allows you to do for your pet. Preventative healthcare means keeping your pet up to date on proper vaccinations that ward off diseases like parvovirus, distemper, hepatitis, Lyme disease, rabies, and others. It’s also important to have your pet wear pest-control products to avoid the dangers of fleas, ticks, and worms. It’s far cheaper to prevent these problems ahead of time, rather than treat them!

Is your pet in need of vaccinations or pest preventatives? Contact your vet’s office right away.

Portion Control

Overfeeding your pet wastes money in two ways. First, it means you’re using more food than you have to, causing you to purchase more bags more often. Secondly, overfeeding contributes to obesity, which will prove costly and worrisome to correct down the road. Ask your veterinarian about an appropriate portion size for your pet’s needs. It’ll keep your pet healthy while saving you money at the same time! If you have a feline friend struggling with weight, check out our guide on how to Help Your Cat Lose Those Excess Pounds.

Spay or Neuter

Spaying and neutering is one of the best things you’ll ever do for your pet’s overall well-being. It’s also cost effective! The procedure eliminates the risk of genital cancers and greatly reduces the chance of other cancers, like prostate and breast cancer, and even makes common ailments like urinary tract infections far less likely. Spaying and neutering also improves your pet’s behavior dramatically. All of this saves you from expensive veterinary bills, as well as money needed for behavioural training or replacing property damaged by misbehaving pets.

Adopt, Don’t Shop

Another great way to save money on pet care is by adopting your animal companion, rather than purchasing them directly from a pet store or breeder. Adoption fees are almost always far lower; plus, shelter animals likely already have microchips and vaccinations, and they may have been spayed or neutered already, saving you even more money.

Our Tips for Saving on Pet Care in 2024

How much can overfeeding impact a pet owner’s annual food budget?

Overfeeding a pet not only contributes to health issues like obesity but also significantly increases annual food costs. By using more food than necessary, pet owners must buy additional bags more frequently. For example, if overfeeding leads to using an extra bag of pet food each month, and each bag costs $50, this could result in an additional $600 per year. Proper portion control, as advised by a veterinarian, can help maintain the pet’s health and reduce unnecessary spending on food.

How can pet owners budget effectively for unexpected pet health emergencies?

Pet owners can budget effectively for unexpected health emergencies by setting aside a specific amount of money each month into a dedicated pet emergency fund. Additionally, investing in pet insurance can mitigate costs associated with sudden illnesses or accidents. Preventative care, including regular check-ups, vaccinations, and pest control, also plays a crucial role in reducing the likelihood of emergencies, thereby controlling potential costs. By focusing on preventative measures and financial planning, pet owners can be better prepared for unforeseen health issues without severe financial impact.

What are some cost-effective alternatives to expensive pet toys and accessories?

Cost-effective alternatives to expensive pet toys and accessories include homemade toys, such as puzzle feeders made from common household items like plastic bottles or cardboard boxes. Thrift stores often offer gently used toys and accessories at a fraction of the cost. Repurposing old socks or towels into chew toys or tug ropes is another budget-friendly option. Additionally, engaging pets with interactive play using simple items like laser pointers or balls can replace the need for costly electronic toys, ensuring pets stay active and entertained without significant expense.

How can pet owners save money on medications or treatments for chronic pet health conditions?

Pet owners can save money on medications or treatments for chronic health conditions by considering generic alternatives, which are often less expensive than brand-name drugs and equally effective. Purchasing medications in bulk or through subscription services can also lead to cost savings. Additionally, some veterinary practices offer wellness plans that include discounted rates on medications and treatments as part of a package deal. It’s beneficial to compare prices between local pharmacies and online pet medication suppliers, as significant price variations can exist. Always consult a veterinarian before changing any medication regimen.

What are some specific cost estimates for preventative care versus treating common pet illnesses?

Preventative care for pets, which includes regular check-ups, vaccinations, and pest control, typically costs between $200 to $400 annually, depending on the pet’s size and needs. In contrast, treating common pet illnesses without prior preventative measures can be significantly more expensive. For instance, treating parvovirus can cost upwards of $1,000, and managing diabetes through emergency care can exceed $3,000 annually. Therefore, investing in preventative care not only supports a pet’s long-term health but also results in substantial savings compared to the high costs of treating advanced illnesses.

Want to know more about cost-effective pet care? Does your companion need an exam? Our Vet Nutrition & Weight Management service can help you develop a personalized plan for your pet’s dietary needs, potentially saving you money on food and future health issues. Call your Carlisle, ON animal hospital.

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