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Understanding the Puppy Teething Process

February 1, 2021

Do you have a puppy? If so, you will need to provide lots of chew toys over the next few months, as well as doing some petproofing. Aside from protecting the sofa legs from your puppy’s incessant chewing, there’s not a whole lot you can do while your new pet is going through the teething process. However, it’s a good idea to learn about teething. That way, you know what your puppy is going through and when, and you can let your vet know right away if something seems amiss.

Newborn Puppies

Just like human babies, our canine buddies are born with no teeth. They don’t need them at this stage, after all—your puppy will nurse milk from their mother. At this stage, puppies can’t chew: they would need to be hand-fed from a bottle if the mother isn’t available.

2-3 Weeks of Age

Around two or three weeks of age, your puppy’s first baby teeth will start coming through his gums. The smaller front teeth, called the incisors, are usually the first ones to appear. The canine teeth will follow—these are the four long fangs. Your puppy’s premolars are the last to arrive, and they come in behind the canines near the back of the mouth. When everything has been said and done, your puppy will have 28 baby teeth, which are known medically as the deciduous teeth and are often referred to as the “milk teeth.”

6 Weeks of Age

By the time that your puppy is about six weeks old, all 28 baby teeth will probably have come in. Around this time, little Fido will be in the process of getting weaned off of the mother’s milk or formula, and will begin eating solid puppy food.

3-4 Months of Age

Around the 12- to 16-week mark, your puppy’s baby teeth will start to fall out. The adult teeth come in and simply push the deciduous teeth out of the way. You may occasionally notice a baby tooth on the floor or by your puppy’s water or food bowls. Most often, though, your furry friend simply swallows the baby teeth as they come out, which is perfectly normal.

6 Months and Older

By the time your dog is around six months old, all 28 of his baby teeth will likely be gone, replaced by 42 adult teeth. Your puppy will now have his molars in addition to his premolars, which are the largest teeth at the back of the mouth that help with chewing and mashing food … as well as the occasional book or sneaker. Ask your vet for puppyproofing tips!

Our Tips for Understanding the Puppy Teething Process

What are the stages of a puppy’s teething process?

Puppy teething involves several stages. Initially, newborns have no teeth. Around 2-3 weeks, their baby (deciduous) teeth emerge, starting with incisors, followed by canines and premolars, totaling 28 teeth. By 6 weeks, all baby teeth are usually present. Around 3-4 months, these begin falling out, making way for 42 adult teeth, which include molars, typically complete by 6 months. Monitoring this process helps identify any dental issues early.

When does the transition from baby teeth to adult teeth occur in puppies?

Puppies start transitioning from baby to adult teeth around 3-4 months. This process is usually completed by six months when 42 adult teeth replace all 28 baby teeth. It’s essential to monitor this change to ensure healthy dental development.

What are the potential concerns to be aware of during a puppy’s teething process?

Watch for excessive discomfort, lack of appetite, or bleeding gums during a puppy’s teething, which might indicate issues. Also, ensure they don’t swallow large pieces of toys or objects, as this can cause intestinal blockages. Regular vet check-ups help catch any dental problems early.

What are some puppy-proofing tips for dealing with a teething puppy?

For teething puppies, provide appropriate chew toys to soothe their gums. Keep household items, like shoes and cords, out of reach to prevent chewing. Use bitter sprays on furniture to deter biting. Regularly check toys for damage to avoid choking hazards. Supervision is vital for safety.

Why is it important to monitor a puppy’s teething progress and consult a vet?

Monitoring a puppy’s teething is crucial to ensure proper dental development and overall health. Regular check-ups can identify misaligned teeth, missing or extra teeth, and other oral issues early. Early detection helps in timely intervention, preventing future dental problems and discomfort.

Do you have questions about your puppy’s teething? We’re here to help. Call your vet clinic in Waterdown, ON today.

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