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The Mysterious Canine Respiratory Disease: Key Facts For Waterdown, ON Dog Owners

December 15, 2023

If you’ve been watching the news lately, you may have seen stories and reports about a mysterious illness that is affecting our canine companions. This is definitely something for Canadian pet owners to be aware of. Cases have been reported in at least 16 American states, as well as here in Canada. Unfortunately, several dogs have succumbed to the disease. Official warnings have been issued by several groups, including both Colorado and Oregon’s departments of agriculture and the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). A local Waterdown, ON veterinary offers some information on the issue in this article.

Where Are The Mysterious Dog Illness Outbreaks?

Several U.S. states have reported outbreaks—or suspected outbreaks—of the unknown disease. The official list includes California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington. Oregon alone has had over 200 cases, going back to the beginning of August. Unfortunately, as mentioned above, cases have also been reported here in Canada.

However, these numbers may not be precise. Most places are not officially tracking the outbreak. Additionally, because there is no official test, many of the cases have been reported based on symptoms. That can be tricky, because several other respiratory issues, such as Bordetella and canine parainfluenza, have similar ones. In fact, canine respiratory issues are sometimes grouped under the umbrella term ‘kennel cough’.

Another issue that is muddling the numbers a bit is the fact that there may be some false negatives in testing for specific pathogens. This is because of the window of time between the time when a dog is actively ‘shedding’ virus, and the time that pet becomes sick enough to require veterinary care.

Can Humans Catch The Mysterious Dog Disease?

Research done by the American Veterinary Medical Association and other organizations has found that the risk of human contagion seems very low. We’re also happy to report that the illness does not appear to be sickening other animals. That said, we would still recommend washing your hands thoroughly after petting or handling Fido. This can also help reduce the spread of associated germs.

How Do I Protect My Canine Buddy From The Mystery Illness?

Until the culprit has been officially identified and a vaccine developed, there is no foolproof way to ensure that your canine companion won’t come down with the respiratory illness. However, there are things you can do to lower Fido’s risk of contagion.

First and foremost, make sure that your furry bestie is fully up to date on key vaccines. While the Bordetella vaccine is considered a non-core vaccine, it’s recommended—and usually required—for pups that are going to be in contact with other dogs, whether at daycare, boarding facilities, parks, or even playdates. Ask your vet for more information.

It’s also important to keep an eye out for symptoms. If you notice anything wrong, contact your veterinarian right away. The sooner the condition is diagnosed and treated, the better!

While protecting your pet from this mysterious illness, it’s also crucial to be aware of other environmental hazards. For instance, learn about Blue-Green Algae: A Lurking Danger to Pets to keep your furry friend safe during outdoor activities.

What Is The Mystery Dog Illness?

That’s the big question: the illness hasn’t been positively identified yet. There are a lot of possibilities here. For instance, it’s not sure if this is a new disease, or a new strain of something familiar.

It’s also possible, though unlikely, that the outbreaks are not all being caused by the same thing.

That said, here is what we do know: the illness is similar to kennel cough. Kennel cough isn’t in itself a single disease: the term is often used as an umbrella term to describe several respiratory illnesses in dogs. Kennel cough can be caused by viruses or bacteria. As the name suggests, it usually leads to a severe cough.

The biggest distinction between kennel cough and the mystery illness isn’t particularly good. Kennel cough usually clears up with proper treatment. However, the new illness doesn’t respond to the standard treatments. Dogs may also develop a long-term case or a secondary infection. 

The severity of the illness is another thing that makes it concerning. The afflicted pups also often get very, very sick very, very fast. Although many pooches recover with proper treatment, others continued to deteriorate. Some pups required surgical removal of infected tissue, while others were put on ventilators. This is uncommon, especially considering that some of the pups were young and healthy. Several dogs have died, with some succumbing at an alarmingly fast rate.

What Causes The Mystery Illness?

While there is still a lot of information needed, research is closing in on a potential culprit. Researchers from the University of New Hampshire’s Veterinary Diagnosis Laboratory and the Hubbard Center for Genome Studies claim to have identified a pathogen. They announced this after processing the results of genetic samplings of 70 dogs. About 30 of the pups were New Hampshire pooches that were infected last year. The rest were from Massachusetts and Rhode Island, and got sick this year.

The pathogen in question has been referred to as a “funky bacterium” and seems to be adept at avoiding and defeating Fido’s natural immune system. It does not appear to be able to survive outside a host, though, again, more research is needed.

How Is Mystery Illness Diagnosed?

Things get a bit tricky here, as there isn’t yet a definitive test. However, the pups that have been diagnosed with the mystery illness test negative for more common forms or canine respiratory illness. They also struggle to get over the infection. Usually, dogs with respiratory illnesses will have a cough that lasts about a week or so. With this illness, that cough persists longer than that.

What Are The Signs Of The Mysterious Dog Illness?

The warning signs in this case are quite similar to those of typical respiratory issues. Coughing is the most common sign. That cough may start mildly, and then accelerate. It also may linger for weeks and, in many cases, worsened into pneumonia.

Lethargy is also a red flag. Fido may seem extremely tired, and may spend his time snoozing in his doggy bed, rather than wanting to play or cuddle. Other warning signs include discharge from the eyes or nose; rapid, labored breathing; fever; wheezing; loss of appetite; weight loss; and dehydration. 

Call your vet immediately if you notice any of these. However, because of the possibility of contagion, before bringing Fido into the clinic, contact your Waterdown, ON animal clinic and let them know your pooch is showing symptoms.

How Is The Mystery Illness Spread?

The culprit here seems to be close contact. It seems to be airborne, with pups getting sick after breathing the same air as infected pooches. It could possibly also be spread through direct contact, and/or sharing bowls, toys, and dishes.  

As a general rule of thumb, it’s wise to consider any gathering of doggos a potential hotspot for infection. Places such as dog groomers’ salons, kennels, dog parks, and doggy daycares are likely the most dangerous areas.

Conclusion: While there is no need to panic, it’s important to know the signs of the mystery illness. These include coughing, fatigue, weakness, reduced appetite, and nasal discharge. Contact your Waterdown, ON vet for more information.

Our Advice on the Mysterious Canine Respiratory Disease in 2024

What preventive measures, if any, are local dog parks and pet businesses in Waterdown implementing to reduce the risk of transmission?

Local dog parks and pet businesses in Waterdown, ON, are implementing several preventive measures to reduce the risk of transmission of the mysterious canine respiratory disease. These measures include increasing sanitation protocols, such as frequent cleaning and disinfecting of common areas, bowls, toys, and equipment. Some businesses are also enforcing stricter health checks for dogs entering their facilities, requiring up-to-date vaccinations, and monitoring for symptoms of respiratory illness. Additionally, there may be temporary restrictions or limitations on group activities and close-contact settings to minimize the risk of airborne transmission among dogs.

Are there any travel advisories for dogs in Waterdown, particularly for those planning trips to or from affected areas in the United States?

Yes, there are travel advisories for dogs in Waterdown, particularly for those planning trips to or from affected areas in the United States. Pet owners are advised to avoid non-essential travel to regions experiencing outbreaks of the mysterious canine respiratory disease. If travel is necessary, precautions include ensuring dogs are up-to-date on vaccinations, minimizing contact with other dogs, and monitoring for symptoms of illness. Veterinarians recommend thorough hygiene practices, such as washing hands after handling pets and disinfecting travel crates, to reduce the risk of transmission.

What specific steps should Waterdown dog owners take if they suspect their pet has been exposed to the illness but isn’t showing symptoms yet?

If Waterdown dog owners suspect their pet has been exposed to the mysterious respiratory illness but isn’t showing symptoms, they should immediately isolate their dog from other animals to prevent potential spread. It’s crucial to contact a veterinarian for advice and potential testing. Monitoring the dog closely for any signs of illness, such as coughing or lethargy, is essential. Owners should maintain good hygiene by washing hands thoroughly after handling the dog and disinfecting common areas. Ensuring the dog’s vaccinations are up-to-date can also help protect against other respiratory diseases.

Are there any recommended changes to routine care practices (e.g., grooming, exercise) for dogs in Waterdown during this outbreak?

During the outbreak of the mysterious canine respiratory disease, recommended changes to routine care practices for dogs in Waterdown include limiting visits to high-risk areas such as dog parks, grooming salons, and daycare facilities. Prioritize at-home grooming and exercise in less crowded spaces to reduce exposure risk. Ensure dogs are up-to-date on all vaccinations, particularly for respiratory diseases like Bordetella. Monitor pets closely for any signs of illness, such as coughing or lethargy, and contact a veterinarian if symptoms appear. Enhanced hygiene practices, including washing hands and disinfecting common areas, are also advised.

How does the prevalence of this mystery illness in Waterdown compare to other regions in Ontario or Canada?

The prevalence of the mysterious canine respiratory illness in Waterdown is consistent with reported cases in other regions of Ontario and Canada. While exact numbers are uncertain due to limited official tracking and the absence of a definitive test, the disease has been noted in various locations across the country. Similar to other areas, Waterdown has seen cases based on symptomatic diagnosis, highlighting the need for vigilance among pet owners. Comparatively, the spread mirrors trends observed in the U.S., emphasizing the importance of preventive measures and early detection.

Do you have questions about your dog’s health or care? Contact us, your local Waterdown, ON pet hospital, anytime! Our comprehensive veterinary services are designed to keep your pet healthy and happy, even in the face of emerging health concerns like this mysterious respiratory illness.

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