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Eight Common Dog Care Mistakes

September 1, 2024

Did you know that 44.5% of American households own dogs? Fido has a way of rounding out our small (or not-so-small) households and making our houses feel more like homes. While we adore all animals, our canine companions are especially extraordinary in their love, devotion, and loyalty. Fido does require a lot of love and attention to thrive. And while we’ve been calling dogs our furry best friends for thousands of years, there’s always something new to discover about them. Continue reading to learn about some of the most common dog care blunders from a local Waterdown, ON veterinarian.

Inconsistent Or Incomplete Training

Fido is a very good boy, but he requires adequate training to understand what is and is not acceptable petiquette. Training should begin the day you bring your dog home. While you don’t have to teach your pooch intricate instructions or cute tricks, he should understand the fundamentals: Sit, Stay, Heel, Come, and Lay Down.

Consistency is essential here. Don’t let Fido sit on the couch one day and then reprimand him the next. When dealing with your pet, make sure to use the same words or phrases every time. Also, be sure to focus on positive reinforcement, which means rewarding Fido for doing well, rather than punishing him for mishaps. 

Forgetting Paw and Nail Care

Sometimes the little things aren’t so small. That is certainly the case here.

Let us look at those fuzzy feet. Pawdicures are very important! Overgrown nails influence how your four-legged buddy moves and stands. They can increase Fido’s chances of slipping and falling on slick surfaces and, worse, aggravate bone/joint problems.

Regarding that not-so-pearly-white smile, dental care is one of the most disregarded elements of dog care. Our canine companions are subject to many of the same issues as humans. These can cause both discomfort and risk.

Not Socializing Puppies

This is generally not applicable if you’ve adopted an older dog. However, if you’ve just gotten a puppy, this should be one of your top concerns. As the name implies, socialization means taking your pet to new places and introducing him to strange people. This is crucial to ensuring that little Fido feels at ease and behaves well in new environments and with new people. This treatment must be completed within a specific time frame, typically between the ages of three and fourteen weeks for your dog. This is when your furry friend decides what he thinks about the world. Improper or inadequate socializing at this point will have a significant detrimental impact on your canine companion’s behavior as he grows. Dogs that have not been properly socialized are far more prone to have behavioral problems as adults.

Consult your Waterdown, ON veterinarian for specific guidance on this.

Overlooking Safety Concerns

Dogs are intelligent, but they don’t understand what is and isn’t safe for them. Even worse, their inherent impulses can occasionally get them into trouble. A few simple guidelines can help avert many catastrophic incidents.

Petproofing is a major deal. You should eliminate or secure anything that could be dangerous to your pet. This includes everything small or sharp, plastic bags and ties, personal goods like shoes and purses, hazardous plants, chemicals, and medication.

Don’t forget about the outdoors! You should also make sure that your fencing is secure and that your gate closes properly. If you have a pool, you should take precautions to keep Fido safe there as well.

Leash safety is also important. Some well-trained dogs are OK off-leash, but it has become far too common for people to simply let their dogs roam freely. Always keep your canine companion leashed when you leave your home, unless he is in a fenced location, of course.

Lack of Veterinary Care

All of our canine companions should be microchipped, spayed or neutered, and receive regular preventative care.

Microchipping is a one-time process that takes barely a moment yet could one day save your dog’s life. Many people assume that their canine companions will never escape. Unfortunately, up to one in every three pets goes missing over their lifetime. (ID tags are still quite necessary.)

Spaying and neutering not only helps to prevent unwanted litters, but they also usually result in a significant change in Fido’s behavior and temperament. Fixed pets are calmer, less likely to spray, and have less interest in going away in pursuit of a mate. Male dogs are likewise far less likely to exhibit aggressive tendencies after being fixed.

Vaccines and parasite control protect your pet from a variety of harmful diseases and parasites, some of which can be fatal. 

Regular exams let you monitor your pet’s health, and often discover changes that may indicate a health problem starting to form. 

Of course, you should also keep an eye out for symptoms of illness. If you observe anything out of the ordinary, contact your Waterdown, ON pet hospital immediately.

Not Paying Enough Attention To Fido

Dogs are extremely loyal and affectionate. They have physically risked—and even sacrificed—their lives for their people. That constant, unconditional friendship is a powerful gift, with the potential to change our lives dramatically. Fido doesn’t want for much, either: food, shelter, and, above all, love.

Spend precious time with your dog every day. This will benefit you as well!

Not Making Sure Your Dog Gets Enough Exercise

Dogs, like humans, require regular physical activity to keep healthy. The kind and amount of exercise your dog requires will vary depending on his age, size, health, and, of course, his personal tastes. At the very least, you should take your canine buddy for a walk every day.

The advantages of a healthy doggy workout routine extend far beyond keeping your canine companion fit. This is also critical for his psychological and emotional well-being. Fido would grow bored being at home with nothing to do but stare at the walls all the time. Being able to appreciate a change of scenery—and sniff different plants and trees—is really beneficial to our canine buddies, since it provides enrichment and wards off doggy boredom. 

This also allows your furry friend to relieve stress. After a walk, run, or play session, Fido will be much more relaxed and possibly fatigued. That means he’ll be more concerned with having a nap than tearing up your sofa cushions.

Overfeeding Fido

Obesity is one of the most common issues we encounter in our canine companions. More than half of our furry patients are, well, chokers. Fido may appear cute with some extra padding, but don’t be deceived. Carrying even a few excess pounds might be detrimental to your lovely pet’s health and well-being!

Canine obesity poses serious health hazards that are far from cute. This is a partial list:

  • Respiratory Disease
  • Breathing Problems
  • Impaired Immunological Function
  • Bladder Stones
  • Joint Problems
  • Kidney Disease
  • Cancer 
  • Diabetes
  • Heart 
  • Hypertension
  • Anesthesia Complications
  • Arthritis
  • Musculoskeletal Illnesses
  • Skin Conditions
  • Liver Disease
  • Lack Of Energy
  • Reduced Quality Of Life
  • Ccl Tears
  • Exercise Intolerance
  • Flatulence
  • Frequent Urination
  • Heat Sensitivity
  • Neoplasm

Obesity can also shorten Fido’s life. Keep a tight check on your dog’s weight. Consult your veterinarian for precise recommendations on your pet’s nutrition and care requirements.

Schedule an Appointment at Your Waterdown, ON Pet Clinic

Is it time for your dog to get a checkup, parasite treatment, or wellness care? Contact us, your local Waterdown, ON animal hospital, at any time!

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