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Safety Tips For The Dog Park

August 15, 2021

Does your canine companion get super excited when he hears the word ‘park?’ The dog park may very well be one of Fido’s favorite spots! Your four-legged pal will both enjoy and benefit from being able to interact and play with other dogs. Socializing is very important for Man’s Best Friend, and the exercise and fresh air will benefit him both mentally and physically. In fact, visits to the dog park can be an excellent form of Canine Enrichment, providing mental stimulation and physical exercise that’s crucial for your dog’s overall well-being. However, you will need to take some precautions to keep your furry friend safe. A local vet offers some tips on this below.


Make sure Fido has been microchipped, and is wearing proper ID tags. You can never be too careful!


First things first! Before taking Fido to the park, make sure he obeys simple commands, like Sit, Stay, Come, and Heel.

Preventative Care

Keep up with your furry friend’s parasite control and vaccinations. We can’t overstate how important this is! Dog parks can be hot spots for heartworms, which are carried from dog to dog via mosquitos. Your pup could also pick up fleas, ticks, or other parasites. Our Vet Wellness and Pet Vaccinations service can ensure your dog is up-to-date on all necessary preventative care before visiting the dog park. This includes vaccinations, parasite prevention, and overall health checks. Ask your vet for more information.


Many dog parks have faucets or spigots on site. Others even have pet fountains for their furry guests to play in. However, you should always bring water for Fido. Get into the habit of keeping a gallon or two in your car. That way, if the water isn’t working, your pup will still get the hydration he needs.


Our four-legged pals can get very jealous and competitive with each other.You might want to try working on Fido’s petucation at the park, but be careful. If your dog’s buddies notice those dog biscuits you brought, you may find yourself in the center of a ruckus.


Unfortunately, there are no guarantees that every pup at the park will be gentle and well-behaved. Keep a close eye out for aggressive dogs and/or female dogs in heat. That situation can create a lot of tension and bickering, especially among dogs that haven’t been fixed.

Time It Right

We’re moving into fall now, and the hottest part of the year is almost behind us. However, you’ll still need to pay attention to the temperatures. When it’s really hot out, don’t bring Fido to the park in the middle of the day. Go in the mornings or evenings, when it’s cooler outside.

Please reach out if ever we can be of assistance. As your local animal clinic in Waterdown, ON, we are here to help!

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